Program income is gross income earned by the awardee organization that is directly generated by a supported activity or earned as a result of NSF funding. Examples include: fees for services performed, the sale of commodities or items fabricated under the grant, the use or rental of real or personal property acquired under the grant, and license fees.
The standard treatment (unless otherwise specified in the grant) of program income is “additive,” which means income earned is to be retained by the grantee and added to the funds committed to the project by NSF. Program income would therefore be used to further project objectives. In certain circumstances, program income may be “deductive” – which means program income earned must be remitted back to NSF by crediting costs otherwise chargeable against the grant.
Whenever practical, awardees are encouraged to expend program income prior to requesting NSF funds. Note that we have no obligation to NSF with respect to program income received beyond the period of performance (POP) of the grant.
Management of Program Income at Georgia Tech
- Georgia Tech must submit a Program Income Reporting Sheet annually. This report will cover all program income across all NSF awards. The reporting period opens on October 1 and program income earned and expended from October 1 – September 30 must be reported. Even if no program income was earned, this sheet must be submitted. The due date is generally around November 15 each year, and is submitted by Grants & Contracts (G&C) Accounting.
- In partnership with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), G&C requires an inventory of awards which may incur program income.
- For reporting, the units/PIs must track cumulative (from inception) program income, total expenses incurred, the remaining balance as of September 30, and the worktag used to account for this activity. This information must be provided to the G&C Director of Project Accounting (Glenn Campopiano) by October 30 of each year.
NSF Program Income Reporting Due to G&C by 10/30 Report cumulative amounts from award start date Example: | |||||
NSF award number | GT Award number | Related Worktag | Program Income collected | Expensed | Balance |
123zzz | AWD-123456 | DE121xxx | 5,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 3,000.00 |
- For NSF IUCRCs, member dues are considered Program income. Ensure the pooled award number in the SABER report is up to date. G&C will use that pooled award number for the reporting.
- Sub-recipients are not required to report directly to NSF. They do however have an obligation to report any program income earned to the prime recipient organization that issued the sub-award.
If you have any questions, please contact Josh Rosenberg at