Type of Policy: Administrative
Policy No: 3.19
Last Revised: April 2014
Review Date: April 2021
Retire Date: July 2023
Contact Name: Josh Rosenberg
Contact Title: Executive Director, Grants and Contracts Accounting
Contact Email: josh.rosenberg@business.gatech.edu
Reason for Policy:
This procedure describes the process to be used by centers, departments and the Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting (G&C) to prepare and process revisions to existing sponsored project budgets. The Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting is responsible for processing budget revisions for sponsored projects managed by Resident Instruction (RI), Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE), Enterprise Innovation Institute (EII), and Plant funds (if applicable).
Departmental/Unit Approval for Budget Revision to Sponsored Projects
Staff with the proper approval and authority may initiate a request for a new sponsored sub-project number using the WEB Grants Management system. Users of the web-based Budget Revision to Sponsored Projects tool have a responsibility to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the sub-project requests they initiate. When Budget Revision requests are submitted, the user must read, confirm, and acknowledge the following:
- I have Departmental/Unit authorization to prepare and approve this request for a new sub-project and/or budget revision.
- This request for a new sub-project and/or budget revision has been reviewed and approved by the project director.
- This request for a new sub-project and/or budget revision complies with all terms and conditions of the supporting sponsored agreement.
- This request for a budget revision has been approved by OSP or does not require OSP approval.
Budget Revision to Sponsored Projects – Process Steps
Requests for sponsored project budget revisions are to be prepared using the Budget Revision to Sponsored Projects feature available on the WEB Grants Management menu. Additional procedures and steps to navigate this feature of the system can be found in the Grants Management for Campus Administrators training manual located on the G&C website. Budget revisions associated with new sub-projects must adhere to the standards outlined in G&C Policy No. 3.18 – Establishing Sponsored Sub-project Numbers.
- Requests for sponsored project budget revisions are to be prepared using the Budget Revision to Sponsored Projects feature available on the WEB Grants Management menu.
- Upon submission, the system will send a notification e-mail to the requestor.
- The revision request is electronically routed to G&C for review and approval except in the following circumstances where budget revision requests are automatically approved:
- Re-budgeting within the same project, which nets to zero. For example, a one-sided entry re-budgeting between budget categories such as travel, M&S, etc. (Only enter the project number in the Main project field; the sub-project field should remain blank)
- Re-budgeting between two existing projects within the same fund, which nets to zero. For example, a two-sided entry re-budgeting between the main project and a sub-project within an award. (Enter appropriate project number in both the Main project and Sub-project fields)
- G&C Accounting will proceed as follows for sponsored project budget revisions received in the above format with proper department/unit approval:
- The revised budget will be established in the G&C accounting system
- The revision will be reflected in Project Expense and Budget (PEB) the following day
- Notification will be sent by email
Contact the Grants and Contracts Accounting Department for specific guidance related to sponsored projects budget revisions.